Dear Exhibitors,
We at Informa Markets – Jewellery, organisers of 13 world-class jewellery fairs, stand united with the global jewellery industry in riding out the unprecedented challenges from COVID-19. The world is experiencing the most turbulent period in modern history, and in moments like these, it’s all too easy to feel pessimistic. It is, however, in such situations that we often find true strength within ourselves, within our families and within our communities.
Now, more than ever, our deep sense of community will navigate this evolving industry disruption.
We recognise the impact that this period of uncertainty has on you, your team and your bottom line. We are right there beside you, providing the resources, channels and insights you need to contend with these challenges. To help ease your burdens without reducing opportunities for your business to grow, we are moving forward with these positive actions:
- We are investing significant resources in our events, with the goal of delivering stronger and more meaningful benefits for all show participants
- We host 13 jewellery fairs annually in nine cities, drawing close to 250,000 buyers and more than 8,500 exhibitors. We continuously invest on expanding our global jewellery database, which now consists of more than 35 million industry stakeholders from over 150 countries and regions.
- Our 2020 marketing budget targeting quality buyers from China is up by more than 200% compared with 2019 figures
- We are offering more flexible conditions for your trade fair participation
- If you cannot participate in our fair due to travel restrictions imposed by the Hong Kong government or your respective government, your 2020 booth contract may automatically be transferred to the show’s 2021 dates
- If you are participating in any of our Hong Kong shows, you will directly benefit from the revitalisation measures initiated by the Hong Kong SAR Government
- As an exhibitor at our 2020 Hong Kong jewellery fairs, you will be entitled to the Exhibitor Marketing Fund, the amount of which is in direct proportion to the size of the stand that you have paid for
- You are also entitled to coupons, which you may use to purchase a selection of Informa Markets – Jewellery marketing solutions
- Investments in our 2020 Hosted Buyer Programme have also received a significant boost
- We are supporting jewellery trade associations with a massive marketing plan
- We have launched our webinar series, featuring experts on key industry issues, to keep you informed, engaged and connected
- Our JewelleryNet online platform helps you stay on course during this difficult period and throughout the year
- We have enhanced the product categorisation function of the Showrooms to facilitate a more precise and effective Business Matching service.
- As exhibitors, you may receive inquiries directly from interested buyers or through our Business Matching programme. See the latest trade leads here
- We will soon host an online event, which will help your business stay engaged during these extraordinary times. Stay tuned for more information on how you can benefit from this online experience
- Although we cannot meet face to face at the moment, we have tools and resources that you can use to stay on top of what’s happening in our industry
- Our Jewellery Media team, led by our flagship publication – JNA, will keep you updated on how the jewellery trade is coping with the COVID-19 crisis through its various channels
We look forward to sharing more details on how we can further help you and your business. If you have any questions or requests, please reach out to our sales representatives around the world.
Together, we will persevere and be transformed for the better when the pandemic passes as have all before it. In the meantime, stay safe!