
19 / 6 / 2025 (星期四)
2:30pm – 3:30pm


The Panellists

Guillermo Galvis
President, Colombian Emeralds
Exporters Association (ACODES)

A prominent figure in the coloured gemstone industry, Guillermo currently serves as president of the Colombian Emeralds Exporters Association (ACODES) and is a board member of Fedesmeraldas, CDTEC and the ICA (International Colored Gemstone Association). He is also the Chairman of the World Emerald Symposium and a leading actor in the development of standard and responsible sourcing for the gemstone Industry. Additionally, he spearheads various social and eco-sustainable initiatives in the emerald industry, particularly in the Boyacá region.

With expertise in logistics, Guillermo has established companies in Asia, gaining extensive experience in China and Latin America. His proficiency extends to international trade and e-commerce.

Matthew Triglone
Managing Director,
Jewelarc International Ltd

Matthew Triglone can probably be described as a veteran in the jewellery industry. A Graduate Gemologist of the GIA, he has spent all of his working life in the jewellery industry undertaking roles that have influenced the growth and development of those companies he has represented and their customers. In 2002, Matthew created Jewelarc International with the intention to primarily support his customers in design and product development. The evolution of that purpose founded a manufacturing facility in Chonburi, Thailand.

Matthew’s ethos goes back to the 1987 UN definition of Sustainability: “Sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Having evolved from retail, wholesale, manufacture and design, he has a complete understanding of what it means to grow within a responsible supply chain.

Mukesh Dholakiya
H. K. Impex Pvt Ltd
(Distributor of Hari Krishna Exports)

Mukesh began his illustrious career over 30 years ago at Hari Krishna Exports in Surat, laying the foundation for a lifetime commitment to the family legacy in the diamond industry. With a deep focus on the manufacturing and selling of natural diamonds, Mukesh expanded his horizons in 2001 by establishing H. K. Impex in Hong Kong, a wholesale distribution arm of Hari Krishna Exports specialising in natural diamonds. Under his leadership, the company now boasts a sprawling 4,500 square-foot office in Hung Hom and serves a vast market including all Asian countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

Mukesh’s dedication and entrepreneurial spirit have earned his team the prestigious “Manufacturer of the Year” (Diamond Cutting & Polishing) accolade at the 2015 JNA Awards, now known as the Jewellery World Awards (JWA).


20 / 6 / 2025 (星期五)
2:30pm – 3:30pm


The Panellists

Pinky Seung
Founder, Headragon

Pinky’s journey in jewellery design began under the guidance of her father, Peter Sheung, who was the designated jewellery designer for the British Navy in Hong Kong. His mentorship played a significant role in shaping her skills and expertise, laying the foundation for her success as a prominent figure in the industry. In 1992, Pinky founded high-end jewellery brand, Headragon Ltd. Her talent and dedication have earned her widespread recognition and accolades, including the Design for Asia Award in 2008, the BDA (Brand Design Awards) Excellence in Best Aesthetics Value Award in 2023 and the BDA Best Brand Image Award in 2024. Currently, Pinky holds the position of Chairperson at the International Jewellery Designers Association (IJDA).


Austy Lee
Founder & Designer
Austy Lee Art Jewellery

Austy, a native of Hong Kong, is a high-end jewellery designer with 20+ years of experience in the industry. Renowned for his exceptional workmanship, distinctive design themes and utilisation of rare gemstones, he has garnered a reputation for his outstanding creations. Beyond his artistic prowess, Austy is driven by a passion to make a positive impact on the world through his unique and fashion-forward jewellery pieces. In 2017, the multi-awarded designer launched his namesake jewellery brand. Embracing the theme “When Jewellery is Psychedelic Art,” Austy was inspired by psychedelic patterns, drawing influences from religion, new age concepts, graphic design and fashion. His unique style encompasses elements of industrial aesthetics, pop-punk influences, edginess, strictness, boldness, cultural references, contemporary symbolism and vibrant colours.

Sarah Zhuang
Founder & Designer
Sarah Zhuang Jewellery

Born into a family that has been in the jewellery business for over two decades, Sarah has lived and breathed design since a young age. Fuelled by her passion for jewellery craftsmanship, she received her design certificate from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and a professional diploma from the Hong Kong Design Institute. She then pursued further studies at Accademia Riaci in Florence to enhance her skills in jewellery design and making. Since 2013, Sarah has been adding her sparkle to the business by creating a new generation of fine jewellery. Her works have dazzled international celebrities, and received numerous design awards.

Vitoria Wu
Artist & Founder
Osi Vitoria

Vitoria was raised in a family with a storied legacy in the jewellery industry. Following years of exploring artistic aesthetics and embracing a path of self-discovery, she immersed herself completely in the study and creation of art jewellery. She unearthed boundless inspiration from the captivating brilliance of gemstones and the beauty of nature. Osi Vitoria, a high art jewellery brand based in Hong Kong, stands as a testament to her passion and expertise. Having embarked on journeys to mineral-producing regions around the world, she honed her skills in the meticulous selection of gemstones and the artistry of crafting. Some of her representative works include the “Spring swallow” brooch, “Lily of the Valley” brooch and the “Lotus Love” brooch.


  • How do these promising designers strike a balance between preserving traditional jewellery design techniques and incorporating innovative elements to stay relevant in today’s market?
  • How do they actively seek feedback and engage with their target audience to ensure their designs resonate with them?
  • What are the technological tools that have had a significant impact on their design process?


20 / 6 / 2024 (星期四)
2:30pm – 3:30pm



Guillermo Galvis

Guillermo是彩色寶石行業翹楚,現為哥倫比亞祖母綠出口商會 (ACODES) 主席,同時亦出任Fedesmeraldas、CDTEC和國際有色寶石協會 (ICA) 董事會成員。此外,他還是世界祖母綠研討會 (World Emerald Symposium) 的主席,並在推動寶石行業的標準制定和負責任採購方面發揮重要作用。此外,他還在祖母綠行業率先開展了各種社會和生態可持續發展計劃,尤其是在博亞卡 (Boyacá) 地區。


Matthew Triglone
Jewelarc International Ltd

Matthew Triglone可說是珠寶業資深人士。他是GIA美國寶石研究院的研究寶石學家(Graduate Gemologist),畢生投入珠寶行業,先後擔任不同的崗位,為其任職的公司及客戶的成長和發展,帶來了積極的影響。2002年,Matthew 創立了 Jewelarc International,主要為顧客提供設計和產品開發方面的支援,其後在泰國春武里府 (Chonburi) 建立了製造廠。


Mukesh Dholakiya
H.K. Impex Pvt Ltd 董事
(Hari Krishna Exports 分銷商)

30 多年前,Mukesh在印度蘇拉特加入 Hari Krishna Exports,從此展開了輝煌的職涯,為這間鑽石家族企業出謀獻策、竭盡所能。他一直專注於天然鑽石的製造和銷售工作,並於2001年在香港成立H. K. Impex,專門從事 Hari Krishna Exports的天然鑽石批發分銷業務。在他的領導下,公司現於紅磡擁有4,500平方英尺的辦事處,業務遍及亞洲各國、澳洲和紐西蘭。

Mukesh的熱誠投入和企業家精神,帶領團隊贏得了2015年JNA大獎 (現稱JWA大獎) 「年度製造商大獎——鑽石切割及加工」榮譽。


21 / 6 / 2024 (星期五)
2:30pm – 3:30pm



Pinky Seung

Pinky Seung在父親——英國皇家海軍香港專用珠寶設計師 Peter Sheung的啓蒙下,開展其珠寶設計事業。他的傾囊相授,讓Pinky深入掌握珠寶設計技巧和知識,奠下了她日後成為業内的基礎。她於1992年創立高級珠寶品牌Headragon Ltd,並以洋溢的才華和對珠寶的熱情屢獲業界嘉許,包括2008年榮獲亞洲最具影響力設計優異獎,以及在2023及2024年分別獲BDA最佳設計品牌大獎頒發Excellence in Best Aesthetics Value Award和最佳品牌形像大獎。Pinky現任香港國際珠寶設計師協會主席。

Austy Lee
Austy Lee Art Jewellery

香港設計師Austy Lee從事高級珠寶設計超過 20年。他以卓越的工藝、獨特的主題,還有對稀有寶石的獨到運用,創製出享譽業界的作品。Austy不但擁有超凡的藝術造詣,更銳意通過其時尚前衛的珠寶設計,為世界帶來積極的影響。在2017年,這位屢獲殊榮的設計師推出了同名珠寶品牌,主題是「When Jewellery is Psychedelic Art」,以迷幻圖案作為創作基調,並從宗教、「新時代」意念、平面設計和時裝等多個領域汲取靈感。他的作品涵蓋了不同的元素,包括工業美學、pop-punk、文化符號、當代象徵主義和鮮豔的色彩等等;前衛、嚴謹、大膽的設計,奠定了他出類拔萃的個人風格。

Sarah Zhuang
Sarah Zhuang Jewellery

Sarah Zhuang從小在珠寶世家長大,已投身珠寶行業超過20年。她一直醉心珠寶工藝,在完成GIA美國寶石研究院珠寶設計證書和香港知專設計學院專業文憑課程後,前往意大利的莉雅琪藝術學院繼續進修珠寶工藝。2013年,Sarah開始推出自創鑽石珠寶系列,新穎獨特的設計風格受到不少中外明星名人喜愛,並屢次獲得國際珠寶設計比賽獎項。

Vitoria Wu
Osi Vitoria Jewelry 設計師


OSI Vitoria正是吳娟在香港創立的高級定制藝術珠寶品牌。自此開篇,腳步踏遍全球原石礦產區,每一顆寶石精心挑選,每一道工藝巧手雕琢,極致的創作熱情與無比的專注度,每件作品深度探索的張力和純樸歸真的怡然,都極具豐富內涵的情感和生命力。

代表作品: 《春燕》 《鈦羽毛》 《蓮愛》


  • 這些設計師如何在保留傳統珠寶設計技術和融入創新元素之間取得平衡,從而在當今市場脫穎而出?
  • 他們如何與目標客戶交流互動並積極尋求反饋,讓設計能夠取得顧客的共鳴?
  • 哪些技術在他們的設計過程中產生了重大的影響?


Keep me update on:

寰亞盛會 | 六月香港珠寶首飾展覽會
環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會